Gem Radio Theatre Presents True Crimes as Told by the Criminals
ADKX and the Albany Public Library present a virtual event, “As Told by the Criminals Themselves” featuring Gem Radio Theatre.
The Albany Public Library and The Adirondack Experience are pleased to present a Gem Radio Theatre virtual production featuring true crime stories told from the criminals' perspective.
Barbara Westbrook will narrate the story of Mildred Harris, a visitor to Saranac Lake, with sinister motives. Glen Repko will portray Monty Montague, a criminal who once mingled with celebrities. At the same time, Dennis Wilson will take on the role of Sam Pasco, known as the "Thurman Terror," a local miscreant who never entirely caught a break.
The event will be hosted via Zoom video conferencing, so you can participate from anywhere. To register for this free event, visit the ADKX website.
About Gem Radio Theatre and the cast.
Gem Radio Theatre is a small production company dedicated to strengthening multi-generational relationships within families and communities by providing opportunities to experience theatrical arts and old-time radio performances. They create unique, engaging, and relevant theater.
Experience theatrical arts through old-time radio performances with Gem Radio Theatre.
Barbara Westbrook has been active in Gem Radio Theatre productions. She is known for her performances in Our Town Theater productions at the Tannery Pond Center in North Creek and the Adirondack Center for the Arts in Blue Mountain Lake. She has appeared in radio plays such as “The Lone Ranger” and “It’s a Wonderful Life.”
Dennis Wilson earned degrees in English and Drama from universities in Iowa and Illinois before starting a ten-year teaching career abroad. In 1985, he began teaching at the North Warren Central School, a position he held until his retirement in 2002. Dennis became involved with North Creek’s Our Town Theatre Group (OTTG) when he performed in his first play, “The Book of Days.” Since then, he has been actively engaged with OTTG on stage and behind the scenes.
Glen Repko has performed for three seasons with Gem Radio Theatre, featuring in productions such as “It’s A Wonderful Life,” “Ghost at Garnet Hill Lodge,” “Leaves Torn Asunder,” and “The Lone Ranger.” He has experience providing voice-overs for retail businesses and political candidates. Glen is a retired property manager and commercial real estate broker who currently serves as chairman of the Schroon Lake Planning Board.
Zoom allows you to experience the Adirondacks from anywhere in the world.