VIRTUAL EVENT | In the Adirondack Library Series | History and Legends of the Northern Adirondacks, Volume 1 | John Sasso | April 7
Author John Sasso Discusses his Book, “History and Legends of the Northern Adirondacks.

The Adirondack’s Legendary High Peaks
The Adirondack Experience’s virtual book series, In the Adirondack Library, hosts John Sasso, author of “History and Legends of the Northern Adirondacks. Volume 1.”
Sasso's book is the first volume in a planned series that tells the fascinating stories behind the mountains of the Northern Adirondacks, helping readers gain a deeper appreciation of this unique and remarkable area.
The event is presented over Zoom and is free to attend. Visit the ADKX website to register.
A long history of asking and answering intriguing questions about the Adirondacks.

Adirondack Mountains in upstate NY.
Ever since he began hiking the mountains of the Adirondacks, John Sasso has been intrigued by the artifacts he stumbles upon, such as iron bolts from old land surveys, remnants of long-gone logging camps, mysterious woods roads, and stone foundations.
The questions those finds provoked —‘What was here?’ ‘What was their purpose?’ and ‘Where did the name come from?’—led him to research and write about the often surprising and always entertaining answers he’s found.
About the author, John Sasso.
John Sasso is an avid hiker, bushwhacker, and independent Adirondack historian from Colonie, New York. Much of John Sasso’s research focuses on the history tied to Adirondack peaks and other natural features and the early land surveys of the region.

Beyond his day job and historical research, John helps build and maintain trails and lean-tos with the Adirondack Forty-Sixers and Lean-To Rescue.
He also helps maintain fire towers with the New York State chapter of the Forest Fire Lookout Association and is a Mount Adams fire tower caretaker.
His renowned Facebook group, History and Legends of the Adirondacks, was created in 2015 to raise awareness of Adirondack's history through social media. We’re big fans and encourage you to follow the page.
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